New Amy Beach Publications: Late Piano Works: Far Awa’, The Lotos Isles, The Water-Sprites “Caprice” & A September Forest

As our catalogue of music publications by Amy Beach continues to grow, we are reminded of this well-deserved Boston Globe review of Beach’s “Jephthah’s Daughter” for Soprano & Orchestra, Op. 53, brilliantly performed by soprano Sarah Pelletier and the New England Philharmonic! You may read the review below or visit the Boston Globe site.
As part of their program entitled “She’s the First: Music to Celebrate the 19th Amendment’s Centennial,” the Boston Landmarks Orchestra together with soprano Brianna J. Robinson performed the world premiere of Amy Beach’s “The Year’s at the Spring” and “Ah, Love, but a day!” arranged for soprano, piano and string orchestra!
The arrangements that are so beautifully performed were generously donated by Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy and were made by Chris A. Trotman, Director of Publications for WPA! If you wish to know more about the works and/or wish to purchase the music, please visit https://www.amybeach.org/music/publications/.
The YouTube video below begins at the portion featuring Amy Beach and their performances of these new song arrangements, enjoy!
The Congressional Chorus under the direction of David Simmons and joined by piano, timpani and strings will be performing Amy Beach’s monumental Festival Jubilate, Op. 17 as part of their concert entitled “Nevertheless, She Persisted…Music of America’s Women Composers!” Beach wrote this work for the dedication of the Woman’s Building at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1892! The newly-revised, reduced edition (originally for full orchestra, but reduced for piano, timpani and string quintet for this concert) of Festival Jubilate is made available by Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy, and specifically WPA’s Director of Publications Chris A. Trotman! The full orchestral version will also be released soon by WPA. The concert will also include works by many other American composers (visit URL below for more info).
The concert will take place this Sunday, Nov. 24, 2019, 4:30 pm in the historic Church of the Epiphany, and tickets are Preferred $39 (Preferred), $32 (General), $20 (Young Patrons ages 22-30, General) and $10 (Student ages 8-22, General).
For more info and to buy tickets, please click here.
An upcoming concert will feature Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony!
In their program entitled STANFORD & BEACH, the Mercury Orchestra under the direction of Channing Yu will perform both Beach’s Symphony and Stanford’s Phaudrig Crohoore, ballad for chorus and orchestra on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the Hatch Memorial Shell on the Esplanade, Boston, MA (Rain location TBD). The concert is free admission and no tickets required. For more info, please visit http://www.mercuryorchestra.org/concerts.html
The Mercury Orchestra will be performing the Beach Symphony using the revised edition score/parts available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy (www.wophil.org). Also, both Dr. Liane Curtis (Founder/President of WPA) and Chris A. Trotman (Director of Publications & Editor-in-Chief of WPA) will be attending!
The Minnesota Orchestra will be performing the monumental “Gaelic” Symphony of Amy Beach this weekend, Sat. April 13 at 8pm! The event will also feature guest speaker Dr. Liane Curtis, who is the Founder/President of Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy! The Orchestra will be performing from the revised edition of the “Gaelic” Symphony available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy, and the edition editor/Director of Publications Chris A. Trotman will also be attending!
For more info, click here.
This week begins the Marsyas Trio North American tour entitled In the Theatre of Air – North America Tour!
This year marks their 10th anniversary, and they’re celebrating with their first North American tour, generously supported by the HMUK Doing it Differently scheme. Join them in Brooklyn for two nights, Schenectady, Boston or Toronto, as they perform music by British and American women composers, including Amy Beach, from their recent CD In the Theatre of Air. The Trio will be performing two previously unpublished works by Amy Beach entitled Pastorale and Caprice, “Water-Sprites,” Op. 90, nos. 1&2, and the newly revised edition is available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications!
Amy Beach, Hilary Tann, Georgia Rodgers, Missy Mazzoli, Thea Musgrave, Louise Farrenc and Judith Weir
Thursday 11 April 2019, 8:00pm
Areté Venue & Gallery
Marsyas Trio join composer/pianist Brian Mark and soprano Rose Hegele, in a concert curated by Ensemble in Process
Saturday 13 April 2019, 3:30 – 4:30pm
Areté Venue & Gallery
Monday 15 April 2019, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Union College
Free entry MORE INFO
17 April 2019, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Private music club
Tickets $25, to purchase please contact us at marsyastrio@gmail.com
18 April 2019, 8:30pm – 9:30pm
The Lilypad
19 April 2019, 8:00 – 9:00pm
Array Space
Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy has a table at the 2019 Society for American Music in New Orleans! If you are here at the conference or are local, feel free to come by and browse our published musical editions, calendars, CDs, etc! Our American published editions include works by Amy Beach, Rebecca Clarke, Marion Bauer and Ruth Crawford Seeger!
The Signature Symphony at TCC, under the direction of Andrés Franco, will be performing Amy Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony tonight as part of their concert program entitled Power of Diversity!
The concert will be 7:30PM CDT at the Tulsa Community College – Van Trease PACE, Tulsa, OK. For more info, please visit here.
Also, they will be performing from the revised edition score and parts available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications!
Two upcoming performances of Amy Beach’s music this next weekend, Feb. 23! Also, both orchestras will be performing from editions available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications (www.amybeach.org)!
(1) The Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra will be performing Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32 on Feb. 23 at 8 PM at Shaughnessy Heights United Church, 1550 West 33rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC. For more info, please click here.
(2) The Springfield Symphony Orchestra together with Rachel Barton Pine, Violinist will be performing an orchestral transcription of Beach’s Romance for Violin and Piano, Op. 23 on Feb. 23 at 7:30 at Symphony Hall, 34 Court Street, Springfield, MA 01103! For more info, please click here.
February will include two performances of Amy Beach’s music by the Springfield Symphony Orchestra, the second of which will also feature renowned Rachel Barton Pine, Violinist!! Also, the orchestra will be performing from editions available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy, and you may learn more by visiting our publications page.
Feb. 2 at 7:30 – Their program SCHEHERAZADE & AMERICAN WOMEN COMPOSERS will feature Beach’s Bal Masqué for Orchestra, Op. 22! For more info please click here.
Feb. 23 at 7:30 – Their program MENDELSSOHN’S ITALIAN & BRAHMS will also include an arrangement of Beach’s famous Romance, Op. 23 (originally for violin/piano) for violin, harp and string orchestra with Rachel Barton Pine as violin soloist! For more info please click here.
Check out the recording of Amy Beach’s “The Rose of Avontown” performed by The Concord Women’s Chorus! The recording is now available via SoundCloud!
The Concord Women’s Chorus (www.concordwomenschorus.org), directed by Jane Ring Frank, presented the concert entitled “Amy Beach and her Contemporaries” on May 12, 2018 at Trinity Episcopal Church in Concord, Massachusetts.
The concert’s featured work, Amy Beach’s “The Rose of Avontown,” was performed by the chorus with a 14-piece chamber orchestra and soprano soloist Adriana Repetto. It was the first performance to use the newly revised edition of Beach’s score and parts, the product of Chris A. Trotman (the Publications Director of Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy, www.wophil.org). This publication is part of WPA’s mission of encouraging performances of neglected music by women. “The Rose of Avontown” was one of Beach’s most performed and best-known works in her lifetime, yet it is hardly known today. WPA hopes the new edition will help bring this delightful choral music to many audiences and ensembles, and we are happy to have such a truly wonderful first performance. This work by Amy Beach and many others are available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications (www.amybeach.org/music/publications/).
Enjoy an evening of choral and chamber works composed by some sophisticated FIRST LADIES who pursued careers as composers despite obstructions galore, and were first in their pursuits. Works by Amy Beach, Rebecca Clarke, Ethel Smyth, Marianna von Martines, Francesca Caccini and Patricia Van Ness will be performed by Cappella Clausura, Inc. and string quartet under the direction of Amelia LeClair! The concerts will also feature a concert talk with renowned musicologist Dr. Liane Curtis, president of Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy (www.wophil.org) and the Rebecca Clarke Society (www.rebeccaclarke.org)
A new critical edition of the score and orchestral parts for Amy Beach’s Piano Concerto in C-sharp minor, Op. 45 is now available from Subito Music Corp. The score is available for purchase here and the orchestral parts are available exclusively as rental from the Subito Music Rental Library via Zinfonia. The new edition has already been used by the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Brandeis-Wellesley Orchestra. Good news to finally have an engraved version of this important work!
The editor of this new edition, Laurine Celeste Fox, worked with the manuscript score and parts held in the Edwin A. Fleisher Collection of Orchestral Music in the Free Library of Philadelphia. Laurine is also a member of our Beach Advisory Committee.
Reminder about the upcoming orchestral concert featuring Amy Beach‘s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32. The Albany Symphony Orchestra in Georgia will be performing from the revised edition available from from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications!
Enjoy an upcoming performance of Amy Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony performed by the Albany Symphony Orchestra of Georgia and using the revised edition by Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy! Visit our Amy Beach Facebook page to check-out the video below for details!
We are ecstatic that the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of Joana Carneiro, will be performing the II. Alla Siciliana movement of Amy Beach’s “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32 (Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications’ revised edition) for the Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony!!!
The Ceremony will take place on Sunday, Dec. 10 at 4:30 P.M. Central European Time (CET) or 10:30 A.M. EST and will be streamed live on the Nobel website – https://www.nobelprize.org/. The various events will be televised on a number of different channels around the world as well.
Please note that the Awards Ceremony is not the same as the Nobel Prize Concert on Dec. 8 that will feature guest conductor Gustavo Dudamel leading the Stockholm Philharmonic in performing Mozart’s Symphony No. 41 “Jupiter” and Richard Strauss’ “Also sprach Zarathustra.” The Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony is where the laureates receive the Nobel Medal and Diploma from King Carl XVI Gustaf.
For more information about the Nobel Prize events in both Stockholm, Sweden and Olso, Norway, please click here. And for more information on the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, please click here.
Five upcoming opportunities in October to hear Amy Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32 – 3 performances in New Hampshire, and a single performance in both San Francisco, California and Dayton, Ohio! (All of these orchestras will be using the revised edition of Beach’s Symphony available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications – https://www.wophil.org/publications/.)
Symphony NH – the concerts entitled “Dvořák New World” will include Beach’s “Gaelic” Symphony, Beethoven’s “Coriolan Overture” and Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9 “From the New World.” The performances will take place at the following times and places:
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit their website – https://www.symphonynh.org/events/.
Bay Area Rainbow Symphony (BARS) – the concert will include the Beach “Gaelic” Symphony, Brahms’ “Academic Festival Overture,” Barber’s (part of the BARS LGBTQ Composer & Performing Artist series) “Knoxville: Summer of 1915,” and Floyd’s “Ain’t it a pretty night” from Susannah (Julie Adams, soprano). The performance will take place on October 14, 2017 at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (50 Oak Street, San Francisco, CA 94102). For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit their website – http://bars-sf.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=1011145.
Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra of Dayton, Ohio – the concert entitled “An American Experience” will include Beach’s “Gaelic” Symphony, Charles Ives’ “Variations on America” and Leonard Bernstein’s “Symphonic Dances from West Side Story!” The performance will take place on Sunday October 22, 2017 at 3 pm at the Kettering Seventh Day Adventist Church (3939 Stonebridge Rd., Kettering, OH 45419). For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit their website – http://mvso.org/concerts/American_Experience/.
The Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms Society Orchestra of Boston, under the direction of Steven Lipsitt (pictured below), will be performing a chamber orchestra arrangement of Amy Beach’s Bal Masqué, Op. 22 along with Bernstein’s Music from West Side Story (VOICES Boston), Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto (In Mo Yang) and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1! (Bal Masqué for Chamber Orchestra is available from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications – https://www.amybeach.org/music/publications/).
The concert will take place on September 24 at 3 pm at Faneuil Hall, 1 Faneuil Hall Sq, Boston, MA 02109. For information and to purchase tickets, please visit their website.
As this year marks Amy Beach’s 150th birthday, much is being done in celebration about this remarkable woman’s life and work! Numerous orchestras, choral ensembles, chamber ensembles and soloists around the world have performed or will be performing works by the pioneering American composer/pianist this year and next in celebration. There are new recordings available this year featuring her works and new scholarship has and will be written about her. Additionally, new musical editions, both revised and published for the first time, are available by a variety of publishers, such as Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications!
Here are a few highlights of what is happening for her birthday celebration –
1) The City of Boston will be declaring September 5th as Amy Beach Day! (a separate post will be made with more information!)
2) The upcoming Amy Beach/Teresa Carreño Conference at University of New Hampshire on Sept. 15 & 16
3) An article entitled “Amy Beach, a Pioneering American Composer, Turns 150” by musicologist William Robin featured in the NYTimes!
4) An article entitled “Amy Beach First Female Composer to Have Her Music Played by a Major Orchestra” by Troy Lennon, Classmate and History Editor of The Daily Telegraph in New South Wales, Australia!
5) A number of orchestras have and will be performing Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32 Bal Masqué, Op. 22, and others (some using Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications’ revised editions) as well as choral ensembles performing her Grand Mass in E-flat, Op. 5! (Keep watching our news feed as we post about upcoming concerts!)
As this year marks Amy Beach’s 150th birthday, much is being done in celebration about this remarkable woman’s life and work! Among the many events, recordings and scholarship concerning her life and work is an article entitled “Amy Beach, a Pioneering American Composer, Turns 150” by musicologist William Robin featured in the NYTimes!!
Recently joining the musicology faculty of University of Maryland in 2016, Will Robin has written an incredible article about the profoundly successful composer/pianist! The article also includes quotes by many of Beach’s contemporaries as well as comments from our founder and president, Dr. Liane Curtis!
You may read the article here.
On Wednesday, Aug. 9, the Boston Landmark Orchestra will perform the “Alla Siciliana” from Amy Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony at the DCR Hatch Memorial Shell in Boston. The orchestra will be performing from our revised edition available via Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Publications!
Maestro Christopher Wilkins describes the program here, and details are on the orchestra’s website here.