The exhibit archives and artifacts are from UNH Special Collections with additional photographs courtesy of the Henniker Historical Society.
We encourage you to visit the exhibit, because there is nothing like seeing rare primary sources first hand. However, to give you an idea of the design and scope of the exhibit, below are a couple interactive panoramic pictures and an assortment of additional close-up pictures all taken by Chris A. Trotman in the exhibit.
Simply move your cursor over each image to scroll left or right!

Here is an assortment of additional close-up pictures:
The first picture below with the uncased bust of Amy Beach was taken by Dr. Liane Curtis back before the completion of the exhibit.
Exhibit panels from “A Brilliant Life: The Musical Career of New Hampshire’s Amy Beach,” September-December 2017, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Special thanks goes to UNH University Museum Curator Dale Valena for her thorough research and inspired creativity/design of these eighteen panels and other displays that comprise the Amy Beach exhibit! Brava!