“Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32

This is our critical edition of the orchestral score and parts of Amy Beach’s monumental “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32! If you wish to purchase the score, please visit our Shop Page, and if you wish to purchase the parts, please contact us using our Contact Form.

Instrumentation: picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, cor anglais, 2 cl (A and Bb needed), b cl (Bb), 2 bsn, 4 hn, 2 tpt (Bb & C – not sold separately; see policy below), 2 tbn, b tbn, tba, triangle, timpani and strings

The dimensions of both our revised score and parts are 11×14 inches, which for the parts is the largest standard established by MOLA or the Major Orchestra Librarians’ Association.  The large dimensions were chosen to maintain as much of the formatting as possible from the original, handwritten parts, including the page turns.

During the editing process of our revised edition of Amy Beach’s Gaelic Symphony, meticulous effort was taken in the (1) correction of note, rhythm, articulation, text and rehearsal marking discrepancies and omissions, (2) the creation of modern transpositions for necessary instrumental parts and (3) the correction of unclear passage formatting and styling.  These emendations were made in consultation with several sources including the original handwritten orchestral score and parts made by Amy Beach, which were used in the first publication by A. P. Schmidt in 1896.  This revised edition also includes accompanying documents including (1) a preface, (2) our editorial policy and (3) a critical report with list of sources.

IMPORTANT: Due to a growing number of requests for purchasing our individual parts, particularly Tpt I & II in C/Bb, we have updated our Edition Policy:

Many corrections and improvements have been meticulously made in our revised edition, and therefore our revised score and set of parts match.  With these improvements, naturally our edition does not match the reprint score first published by A.P. Schmidt nor the obsolete reprints of the original, handwritten parts available from such places as Kalmus and Luck’s.  Consequently, our revised parts would then not help when being used with the obsolete score and parts since they would not match, and we do not sell the parts separately anyway (*exception below), as they are a complete, matching set.  Rather we encourage ensemble personnel such as the Music Director and/or Orchestral Librarian to reach out directly to learn more about our full, complete edition.  We offer very reasonable pricing for our edition, which actually comes out cheaper than the obsolete reprints from Kalmus and Luck’s.

*We would make an exception to sell an individual replacement part in the event an ensemble has previously purchased our complete, revised set.

Below you will find sample pages from the score and 1st violin part. The score sample contains the first two pages of each of the Symphony’s four movements.  The 1st violin part consists of pp. 2, 3 & 12 from the original, handwritten 1st violin part (scans) and the matching pages from our revised edition.  Note the greater clarity and consistent style in the revised, typeset edition as well as the elimination of cluttered and sometimes overlapping notes, articulations and text like in the original, handwritten version.

Score – First five pages of each mvt. (I-IV)

1st Violin Part – Page 2

Page 3

Page 12

Celebrating the composer Amy Beach, 1867-1944