In preparation for the performance of Amy Beach’s “Gaelic” Symphony in E minor, Op. 32 by the Westminster Community Orchestra in Princeton, New Jersey on Saturday, May 6 at 8 p.m., an article written by Ross Amico was released by the U.S. 1 Newspaper including various details about the composer, the work and those involved.
The author beings by establishing the historical context of the time and discussing how Amy Beach composed her Symphony based on Gaelic themes in direct response to Antonín Dvořák’s use of African-American spirituals and Native American chants and dances in his “New World Symphony.” Amico continues by discussing the Westminster Community Orchestra and its conductor, Dr. Ruth Ochs. Dr. Ochs is quoted in stating that she “credits [Dr.] Liane Curtis, one of the teaching fellows at Harvard, with having introduced her to a number of women composers.” Ochs continues to mention how Dr. Curtis is the founder and president of Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy, and how we at WPA provided financial support and our new revised edition of Amy Beach’s “Gaelic” Symphony for their performance!
You may read the entire article here.